
Update #73

Hey you lovely and loyal fans of The Man Who Would Live. We can't stress enough how appreciative we all are of the support you've shown us. Since our Kickstarter project has reached the funding level (holy crap you guys are awesome), we will be receiving the much needed funds to begin the process of completing the film (hell yes). We still have some left to go and would love to continue to get support from those who maybe haven't heard of the cause. Any additional funds your friends and followers could donate would help in allowing us to get the film out into the world. If we can do it, we're coming to your town on the film festy circuit.

If you haven't checked it out, there's now a trailer for the film over at TheManWhoWouldLive.com. Watch it, bookmark the page, and keep in touch. You've helped make all of this possible which makes you like my best friend. So we need to hang out and talk about that new fist tattoo.

Have a safe drive.